Cotton Newsline: April 9, 2010
Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee Chairman Lincoln and Ranking Member Chambliss along with 28 Senators, sent a letter expressing appreciation for the Risk Management Agency or RMA’s willingness to reconsider its previous proposals as the Standard Reinsurance Agreement or SRA renegotiation proceeds.
Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee Chairman Lincoln and Ranking Member Chambliss along with 28 Senators, sent a letter expressing appreciation for the Risk Management Agency or RMA's willingness to reconsider its previous proposals as the Standard Reinsurance Agreement or SRA renegotiation proceeds. Robbie Minnich, senior government relations representative for the National Cotton Council, says the SRA is the contractual agreement between crop insurance companies and RMA which lays out the rules and payments to the companies from RMA.
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