2009 NCC Annual Meeting

News and reports from the NCC's 2009 annual meeting in Washington, DC.

February 20, 2009
US Cotton Industry Leaders For '09
Jon W. "Jay" Hardwick, a Newellton, LA, producer and '09 NCC Chairman, is among those who will serve as US cotton industry leaders this year.
February 18, 2009
National Cotton Council 2009 State Unit Officers Named
NCC state unit officers for 2009 were elected at the industrywide organization’s annual meeting held in Washington, DC, on Feb. 12-16.
National Cotton Council Names '09 Directors
NCC directors for '09 were announced at the industrywide organization’s annual meeting held in Washington, DC, on February 12-16.
Chuck Coley Re-Elected Chairman of American Cotton Producers
C.B. “Chuck” Coley, a producer from Vienna, GA, was re-elected chairman of the American Cotton Producers (ACP) of the NCC for '09 during the NCC’s annual meeting in Washington, DC, on Feb. 12-16.
February 16, 2009
Hardwick to Lead the National Cotton Council in ’09
Jay Hardwick, a Newellton, LA, cotton producer, was elected chairman of the National Cotton Council (NCC) for 2009.
Cotton Service Award Honors Georgia Cotton Leader
Bob McLendon, a Leary, GA, cotton producer, is the recipient of the 2008 Harry S. Baker Distinguished Service Award.
Cotton Achievement Award Honors Charles F. Youngker
The late Arizona cotton producer Charles “Charlie” Youngker is the recipient of the 2008 Oscar Johnston Lifetime Achievement Award.
February 14, 2009
Mid-South Ginner to Lead NCGA in 2009
The Memphis-based National Cotton Ginners Association (NCGA) elected its officers for 2009 at its annual meeting here today.
NCC Says US Cotton Industry Outlook Tied to Demand Recovery
The US cotton industry continues to face “a very competitive and difficult economic climate” but there are some reasons for optimism in the coming year, NCC Economist Dr. Gary Adams says. <a href=news/meetings/2009annual/index.cfm>More news from Annual Meeting</a>
February 13, 2009
NCC Survey Suggests US Cotton Producers to Plant 8.11 Million Acres in '09
US cotton producers intend to plant 8.11 million acres of cotton this spring, down 14% from '08, according to the NCC’s 26th Annual Early Season Planting Intentions Survey.
Sharp Elected 2009 Cotton Council International President
Clyde T. Sharp, a Roll, AZ, cotton producer, will serve as 2009 president of Cotton Council International (CCI). CCI is the National Cotton Council’s (NCC) export promotions arm and carries out programs in more than 50 countries globally under the COTTON USA trademark.