National Cotton Council Names 2023 DirectorsThe National Cotton Council directors were announced for 2023.
Nathan Reed Re-elected American Cotton Producers Chair
Nathan Reed, a Marianna, Ark., cotton producer, was re-elected chairman of the American Producers (ACP) of the NCC for 2023.
Kenneth Hood Honored With Oscar Johnston Lifetime Achievement AwardThe late Kenneth Hood, a former NCC vice president, treasurer, vice chairman and chairman, received the Oscar Johnston Lifetime Achievement Award for 2022.
Dr. Andrew Jordan Recipient of Harry S. Baker Distinguished Service Award
Andy Jordan, a long-time employee in the NCC Technical Services Department who now works as an agricultural engineering consultant, received the 2022 Harry S. Baker Distinguished Service Award.
Gene Seale to Lead National Cotton Ginners Association
Gene Seale to Lead National Cotton Ginners Association The National Cotton Ginners Association (NCGA) named its leaders for 2023 during its recent annual meeting in Dallas.
Curtis Stewart Is National Ginner Award Recipient; Distinguished Service Award Goes to Dr. Greg Holt
Curtis Stewart, a long-time ginner who has provided outstanding service and leadership to the U.S. cotton industry, is the 2022 Horace Hayden National Cotton Ginner of the Year.
Shawn Holladay to Lead National Cotton Council in 2023
Shawn Holladay, a Lubbock producer, was elected NCC chairman for 2023 during the organization’s annual meeting in Dallas, Texas.
Cotton Council International Elects 2023 Officers
Steve Dyer, a Cordova, Tenn., merchant, will serve as Cotton Council International’s (CCI) president for 2023.
2023 World Cotton Outlook: Consumption Rebounds but Economic Pressure RemainsNCC economists point to a few key factors that will shape the U.S. cotton industry’s 2023 economic outlook.
NCC Survey Suggests U.S. Producers to Plant 11.4 Million Acres of Cotton in 2023
U.S. cotton producers intend to plant 11.4 million cotton acres this spring, down 17.0 percent from 2022, according to the NCC’s 42nd Annual Early Season Planting Intentions Survey.
National Cotton Council Delegates to Set PolicyDelegates at the NCC upcoming annual meeting will review and approve resolutions to help U.S. cotton’s central organization guide the U.S. cotton industry in the coming year.