NCC Conducting STAX/Farm Bill Webinars

As a follow-up to its STAX/Farm Bill workshops, the NCC is hosting four regional information webinars. Each session will include regional examples of insurance rates, county yields and information regarding farm programs.

December 12, 2014
Contact: Marjory Walker
(901) 274-9030

As a follow-up to its Stacked Income Protection Plan/Farm Bill workshops, the National Cotton Council is hosting four regional information webinars. Each session will include regional examples of insurance rates, county yields and information regarding farm programs.

Two webinars are scheduled for Wednesday, December 17 – one designed for the Southeast region from 9-11 a.m. CST (10 a.m.-noon EST) and one for the Mid-South region from 2-4 p.m. CST. The two webinars set for Thursday, December 18 are for the Southwest region from 9-11 a.m. CST and for the Western region from noon-2 p.m. MST (11 a.m.-1 p.m. PST).

NCC President/CEO Mark Lange said cotton producers, other cotton industry members and agribusiness personnel unable to attend any of the NCC's 25 workshops that were just completed across the Cotton Belt or those who want additional information are encouraged to participate in one of the webinar sessions.

To participate in the webinars, call the conference number (800-377-8846) and enter the participant code (55634947#) on your phone in order to receive the webinar audio. To view the webinar slides, login at Once at the web address, the default option is to enter as a guest. Type your name into the box and select the button "Enter Room." If you have any questions, contact the NCC at 901-274-9030.